Collection: Kansas Chiropractic CME Continuing Education Requirements - Kansas Accepts

Below are details about continuing education and license renewal in Kansas.

Kansas Chiropractic Continuing Education Requirements: 50 CME hours are required per 18 months, 100 CME hours every 30 months, and 150 hours every 42 months, due by December 31st.

  • During the 18-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, at least 50 credits of continuing education must be completed, of which at least one credit shall be in category III, at least 20 credits shall be in category I, and the remaining credits can be in category II. 
  • During the 30-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, at least 100 credits of continuing education must be completed, of which at least 2 credits shall be in category III, at least 40 credits shall be in category I, and the remaining credits can be in category II. 
  • During the 42-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, at least 150 credits of continuing education must be completed, of which at least 3 credits shall be in category III, at least 60 credits shall be in category I, and the remaining credits can be in category II.

Category I is formal, structured learning, such as online seminars, and Category III is activity in one of the following subject matters: Pain Management, Opioids, or Prescription Drugs. Kansas accepts all hours in FCLB PACE approved online continuing education courses. Licensee must attest completion on state board forms and are subject to audit. 

A Better Chiro is administered by Life Chiropractic College West and provides CCE accredited and FCLB PACE approved continuing education. A Better Chiro offers approved Category I and Category III courses for licensure with the Kansas State Board. Completions are reported to PACE and your state board within 5 business days.